If there are records that were entered and are no longer appearing in the system, they were most likely removed by a user. SimpleTrials has an archival policy, which means that removed records are not permanently deleted and can be restored. SimpleTrials also does not spontaneously archive records.
How to Check By Whom and When a Record Has Been Archived:
The ADMINISTRATION > AUDIT & ACTIVITY LOG provides a list of all records and their edit history, including removal. Use the filters/search to find the relevant records and view their activity history.
How to Restore an Archived Record
There are a few views that have a "Restore" button that allow users to see all archived records and restore the ones they need. NOTE: This functionality will be expanded to as many views as possible.
If there is not a Restore button in the view where you need to restore the records, you will need to contact the support desk to restore those records. Keep in mind that if there are a substantial number of records or frequent requests, you will need to purchase Professional Services time, as finding and retrieving records is a time consuming manual process.
Records that Correlate to eVRs (Action Items and Protocol Deviations)
Action Item and Protocol Deviation records can be created within eVisit Reports and will automatically create records in the correspond view: CRA LOUNGE > ACTION ITEMS or SUBJECTS > PROTOCOL DEVIATIONS. The following is the logic for how those records are handled:
- An AI or PD record is manually added to an eVisit Report by the report author.
- SimpleTrials will automatically create a linked record to the corresponding view (CRA LOUNGE > ACTION ITEMS or SUBJECTS > PROTOCOL DEVIATIONS). This is a separate record that can continue to be tracked after the report is approved, but it is linked to the originating record in the eVR.
- If edits are made to the record in the eVR, those edits are automatically sync’ed to the linked record of the corresponding view.
- If the report is approved, that record remains in the report and the linked record remains in the corresponding view. The record can no longer be edited or removed from the approved report, but it can be edited or removed from the corresponding view.
- If the record is removed from the eVisit Report prior to the report being approved, SimpleTrials will NOT automatically remove it from the corresponding view. It will need be removed manually from that view. NOTE: within eVisit Reports, the AI and PD sections can be configured to auto-populate records from the prior report. Any of these records that were removed from a previous report will not automatically appear, here but can be added with the sync.
Users Access Requirements | Admin, Manager |
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