If you are having issues setting up your two-factor authentication; entering your 2FA; or need it to be reset so you can re-do the set-up process - you will need to contact an Admin within your organization to assist you. The SimpleTrials support team can provide very limited support on this feature for security purposes and because it involves external applications.
One thing to note is that the username cannot contain capital letters, so ensure the user name has only lower case letters.
NOTE: SimpleTrials only supports providing 2FA codes via an authenticator app. Codes are not provided via text message (as in common in USA) because text messaging is not common in other locations. Whereas an authenticator app is available everywhere.
If you are able to able access SimpleTrials, you can find your Admin team within the STUDY > STUDY TEAM & CONTACTS view, selecting "Team Contacts" and then checking the "User Account Type" Column for "Administrator"
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