Before eVisit Reports can be created or completed, there must be an eVisit Report Template within the PORTFOLIO > eVR TEMPLATES view with: 1) the correct corresponding Visit Type (i.e. Routine Monitoring Visit, Initiation, etc.) 2) has a Status of "Complete" and 3) is associated to the correct corresponding study. The eVR Template defines exactly what is to be captured within that report for that visit type and study. Templates are created and managed internally, by a user with Manager and Admin access. For more information on this process please refer to the Create an eVisit Report Template. Once this is complete the report author can then schedule a visit and create, complete, and submit an eVisit Report.
Refer to the Why Can't I Create an eVisit Report? for details on reasons why a user cannot create an eVR.
Step One: Schedule the Site Visit
Using the "Add" (+) button in top left of the screen, create a "Site Visit" event in the PORTFOLIO > CALENDAR. The Category must be "Site Visit" in order to create a corresponding eVisit Report. Input the details for that site visit and select "Save." Once the visit is saved, it is scheduled in the CALENDAR and a corresponding row will automatically be created in the CRA LOUNGE > SITE VISIT TRACKING for the study and site selected.
Step Two: Create the Report
Navigate to CRA LOUNGE > SITE VISIT TRACKING within the corresponding study, and select the row of the site visit for which you want to create the eVR. HINT: use the Filter (magnifying glass) to help you find specific visits using filter, sort, and search to narrow your results and see only rows that contain the information you want.
Using the “eVisit Reports” button, select “Create Report” or "Create Report from Copy." NOTE: Remember that you cannot add site visits here - these rows are created from their corresponding Calendar event, see step one
IMPORTANT NOTE: If “Create Report” is not activated (it appears in grey font) either you are not the Visit Person OR a template has not been created for that study, visit type, and marked as "Complete" in PORTFOLIO > eVISIT REPORT TEMPLATES. A person with Admin or Manager access will need to complete these steps. Please refer to the eVisit Report Template Guide for details on that process.
Create Report
This creates a blank report from the corresponding template that can be completed by the Report Author.
Create Report from Copy
Choosing “Create Report from Copy” will open a window that allows you to select a report with matching site and visit type to copy into the Report for the selected visit. All data except the header data will copy from the previous report and can be edited in the following steps. Hint: This is a time saver so authors do not have to re-enter the same content repeatedly for their visit reports. eVR authors should be sure to review all the content in their report and make sure it is updated for the current visit’s activities, before submitting for review.
Now that the eVisit Report has been created, it can be completed and then submitted for review.
Users Access Requirements | Admins, Managers, Associates |
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